Wednesday, January 20, 2010

GAME Plan- Resources

The process of developing my GAME plan to integrate technology into the classroom involves several resources. To carry out the plan, I would need to collaborate with the other math teacher to include her class in the wiki. My colleague has worked on a wiki before and had her algebra class collaborate with another class in our school district on a project involving making tables to solve problems and then analyzing the data that was collected. Another resource to explore is more websites that vary in tasks to complete the lesson on percents (markup and discount or percent of change).

One step I have taken so far is locating other online resources for students to practice the math concepts and approach teaching them through a different method. One additional website I found integrated written problems about real world situations ( Students can write their own after working through the examples. This task challenges student to take the information learned and apply it to their lives. The PurpleMath forum also gives students a resource for help after school.

Another step I have taken so far is looking over the wiki created by another math teacher in my building. This wiki was helpful in addressing some challenges with the task, by making sure all students participate in some way. The assessment for the task can be difficult so collecting informal data throughout from students helped with the grading. A method described in the text incorporates the KWHL chart, so students can complete the information on the math topic and give feedback on what students know and still want to learn as a guide for the lesson (Cennamo, Ross & Ertmer, 2009).

The additional information I would need is more confidence with creating a wiki and possibly working on one with another colleague and our classes. I have only participated in two wikis before and still feel unsure of the process. I would need more time to search online for a variety of resources, to meet the needs of all my students’ learning whether technology or non-technology based activities. It could be activities centered on additional practice with the steps to solve a percent problem or to supplement the instruction.



Cennamo, K., Ross, J., & Ertmer, P. (2009). Technology integration for meaningful classroom use: A standards-based approach (Laureate Education custom edition). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

Stapel, Elizabeth. "'Percent of' Word Problems: Markup and Markdown Examples." Purplemath. Retrieved from


  1. Heather,
    I believe that when a teacher wants to make positive changes in his/her teaching they face the need for more confidence. There is nothing wrong with being a bit weary of trying something new. I admire the fact that you want to make the changes. I taught middle school for 16 years and I remember using the Purple Math web site to assist my students as well as it helping my children when they were going through school.
    I was searching on the intranet and came across a couple of web sites that might give you some insight on your new adventure. The first web site is a wiki that provides strategies for Middle School math:
    The wiki web site has a wealth of information and a variety of other web sites to research and get ideas on different ways to incorporate math. The aim of the publication is to provide resources that promote a variety of instructional styles to choose from and to introduce materials that encourage you to experiment with a wider range of teaching techniques (Herrera, 2007)
    The other web site I came across provides more information about wikis:
    The web site provides information on how to use wikis in your classroom to support learning through technology.
    I hope you find these two web sites to be helpful as you move forward in your technology integration with in your classroom.

    Deborah Henson
    First Grade

    Herrera, T. (2007, December). NSDL Wiki. Retrieved January 22, 2010, from MiddleSchoolPortal/Teaching Strategies for Middle School Math:
    Wetzel, D. R. (2009, June 10). Suite Retrieved January 22, 2010, from 5 Strategies for Using Wikis in the Classroom :

  2. Heather,

    I have used the KWHL chart. My wife who teaches 6th grades introduced me to it, I really like the results. I am doing a private classroom blog, We are using it in a similar fashion within our department. Good luck with your GAME Plan. I am anxious to see how youe wiki works.

    HS Health
